Job Skills In RealStaff
  • 27 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Job Skills In RealStaff

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Article summary

Set up Job Skills

From the RealStaff main menu, click on

Emp/Hrs/PR >> Maintenance >> Skills

On the Skills window, click on the Insert button to add a new skill.

On the Adding a Skill window, fill in the following information:

  • Skill ID
  • Description
  • Level Required (if needed)
  • Check the Test Required checkbox if a test is required.
  • Add notes (if needed)

Click the Ok button to save.

Add Job Skills to an Employee Record

From the RealStaff main menu, click on

Emp/Hrs/PR >> Employee Maintenance

On the Employee Selection window, select an employee and click on the Change button.

On the Employee record window, click the Licenses, Certifications & Skills tab.

In the Skills section, click on the Insert button.

On the next window:

  • Click on the Skill ID image button to choose the skill
    Note: You also have the ability to edit the skills already entered if needed.
  • Check the Test Taken checkbox (if applicable)
  • Enter the employee’s test score and any details (if applicable)
  • Click the Ok button

Back on the Employee record window, the Skill will show up in the Skills section.

Note: To choose multiple skills for the employee click on the Select Multi Skills button.

Click the Ok button to save.

Add Job Skills to a Job

From the RealStaff main menu, click on

Jobs >> Customer Jobs

On the Job List window, click on the Insert button to enter a new job or select the Customer and click on the Change button.

On the Job window, click on the Job Skills tab. Click on the Insert button to add a Job Skill to the Job.

On the Job Skills window, click on the image button to open the Skills window.

On the Skills window, double click on the skill or select it and click on the Select button. Then click on the Ok button to add the Job Skill to the Job.

Back on the Job window, the Job Skill will be added to the window. Click the Save button.

Search for Employees with Job Skills

From the RealStaff main menu, click on

Jobs >> Job Candidate Search

On the Find Employees with Skills window, select an Available Skill from the list on the left and click on the > button to add it to the Skills to search for List.

After entering all of the Skills needed, click on the Find Employees button.

The Employees with skills window will show all employees with that skill. This window also allows you to view/edit the employee record or print a report.


Employees will not be listed here if the Job Skill has not been added to their employee record. (See Add Job Skills to an Employee Record above.)


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