Viewing Employee Paycard Activity
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewing Employee Paycard Activity

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Article summary

If you are using our Payroll System, you are able to view your employee's pay card activity. You should have received a Paycard Pay Pin.


The Pay Pin # is also stored in RealStaff

To Locate your Pay Pin from RealStaff

From the RealStaff main menu, click on
File >> Update my Settings

To view paycard activity

  1. From the RealStaff main menu, click on
    Payroll >> Paycard >> Employee Account Activity
  1. Review the legal statement, click the Agree checkbox, and then the Ok button.
  1. Enter your PIN, then click the Ok button.
  1. On the Paycard Account Inquiries window, select the employee:
    • Click on the Current Trans button to view all transactions for the current period.
    • Click on the Statements button to view transactions for the past year.
  1. The Paycard Transaction History window shows detailed transaction information and allows you to print a report if needed.
  1. On the Paycard Account Statements window, select the statement and click on the Transactions for Statement button to view detailed transactions.


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