Approving a Time Off Request
  • 22 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Approving a Time Off Request

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Article summary

To approve Time Off for an employee, login to the Employee Portal.

This can be done from the web portal or mobile app.

The web address for the Employee Web Portal is

After logging into the portal, you may see a pop-up message showing that you have Time Off Requests or a badge next to the Employee Time Off section showing how many requests are waiting to be approved.

{Time Off Requests} {Time Off Requests}

Navigate to the Time Off Request Management window which will show:

  • Employee’s name
  • Policy id
  • Status
  • Date
  • Hours requested

From there the manager has the ability to:

  • Filter the list by choosing the header at the top of the window and then selecting the option needed and clicking the Ok button.
{Time Off Request Filter}
  • Email the employee, edit, approve or deny the request by clicking image
{Time Off Request Actions}
  • Approve/Deny the request by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the employee’s name and then clicking Approve or Decline from the bottom of the window.
{Time Off Request Management}

The employee will receive an email after the request has been approved or denied.

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