Migrate a Paycard in RealStaff
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Migrate a Paycard in RealStaff

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Article summary

The employee's paycard may expire, get lost, or damaged. An old card can be migrated to a new one. If there is a balance on the old card it will be transferred to the new one.

  1. From the RealStaff main menu, click on
    Emp/Hrs/PR >> Employee Maintenance
  1. Select the employee and click the Change button.
  1. Check to make sure the following information is correct.
    • Mailing address (No P.O.Boxes are allowed)
    • Birthdate
    • Phone number

The paycard company does NOT accept P.O.Boxes for the address.

  1. On the Ded/PayAccts tab, select Migrate Paycard.
  1. Enter the Paycard Account Number (last eight numbers) in the entry box and click the Ok button.
  1. A message box will appear asking if you are ready to migrate the employee's paycard from the OLD number to the NEW number. Double-check to make sure the information is correct. If the account numbers are correct, click the Ok button.

The Paycard Account Number is located on the paper the actual pay card is attached to. (See image of sample paycard & paper below.)


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