How to Upload Documents to RealStaff
  • 08 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Upload Documents to RealStaff

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Article summary

Important documents can be uploaded to an employee’s record from the Employee window.

Attention: RealStaff recommends that a new folder be created on the C: Drive (your computer's hard drive) and naming the folder: “Upload to RealStaff “. Then save all documents to this folder. This makes it easier to locate the documents when adding them to RealStaff. See How to Connect V:\ Drive for detailed instructions.

Uploading or pasting timesheets is not supported by the Mac or web version of RealStaff. A PC must be used at this time.

From the Employee window click on the Documents button.

{Employee window: General}
Employee window: General

To add/upload a document: Click on the + sign located on the bottom left of the Document window.

{Employee window: Upload Document}
Employee window: Upload Document

On the Update Document window:

  1. Click on the image button and locate the document to be added. Double click on the document to add it.
    1. RealStaff recommends that a new folder be created on the C: Drive (your computer's hard drive) and naming the folder: “Upload to RealStaff “. Then save all documents to this folder. This makes it easier to locate the documents when adding them to RealStaff.
    2. Or copy the document/image (Ctrl+C) and click on the image button.
  2. Click on the image button to open the list of categories available. See next step.
  3. Click on the image button to open the list of Document types available. See next step.
  4. Once all required fields have been entered, click on the OK button to add the document to the employee’s file.
{Update Document}
Update Document

Both the category and the document type are required fields. After clicking on the image button, choose the correct category/document type and then click on the checkmark button to save and return to the Update Document window.

{Document Categories}
Document Categories

Once the document is uploaded to the employee's file, close the Documents window (top right of the window).

This will take the user back to the Employee window.

Document Upload Complete!

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