How to Add or Change a Misc Pay Type in RealStaff
  • 29 Jul 2022
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How to Add or Change a Misc Pay Type in RealStaff

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Article summary

In RealStaff, while logged into the company you would like to add/change the Misc Pay Type for:

  1. From the RealStaff main menu, click on
    Emp/Hrs/PR >> Maintenance >> Misc Pay Type

Search for the Misc Pay Type you would like to add to ensure it is not already entered for the company.

  1. Click on the Insert button to add a new Misc Pay Type or Change button to edit an existing Misc Pay Type.
  1. Add or change the details of the Misc Pay Type.

When adding a new type, there are a few required fields:

  • Description
  • GL Class - click on the image button to select from the drop-down list.
  • Earnings Type - click on the image button to select from the drop-down list.

Please refer to the table below for a brief description of the fields available on the window.

After entering all relevant information, click the Ok button.

DescriptionThe text entered here is what will print on reports and checks. It must be unique.
GL ClassSelect the General Ledger Class this Misc Pay Type fits into.
Earnings TypeSelect the Earnings Type this Misc Pay Type fits into.
Tips TypeIs this Misc Pay Type tips? If so, select the type of tip.
Require UnitsIs the user entering required to enter Units? Typically used in combination with Required Rate.
Require RateIs the user entering required to enter a Rate? Typically used in combination with Required Units.
Pay EmployeeWill this Misc Pay Type be used to pay an employee?
Non-TaxableIs this Misc Pay Type non-Taxable?
BillableIs this Misc Pay Type billable?
Exclude From Workers CompExclude the amounts entered for this Misc Pay Type from WC earnings.
Allow UploadAllows employees to upload expenses via the employee web portal. Only used for a small percentage of clients.
Mileage Pay (not reimbursement)If this Misc Pay Type is used to pay mileage.
Fringe Benefit (Non-Pay)
Peo Export CodeUsed when exporting hours entered into RealStaff to another PEO organization. Defined by the external PEO Organization.
Imported Pay CodeUsed when importing information from an external


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