Entering a Job into RealStaff
  • 29 Jul 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Entering a Job into RealStaff

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Article summary

Jobs are what allow you to attach the necessary information like customer, pay rate, bill rate, notes, job title, purchase order, project ID, workers comp code, etc. to a particular hours record for payment and billing in RealStaff.

  1. From the RealStaff main menu, click on Jobs >> Customer Jobs
  1. Click on the Insert button.
  1. On the Choose a Customer for Job Window, click on the Select button.
  1. Select the Customer you are setting up the Job for and double click or click the Select button.
  1. Click the Continue button.

Note: You can select the location of the customer if needed, then continue.

On the Job Window:

  • Enter the Job Title (see Job Title Window below) by clicking on image and selecting the correct title.
  • Enter the Workers Comp Code (see W/C Window below) by clicking on image and selecting the correct code.
  • Enter the Start Date and End Date of the Job.
  • Enter the Pay Rate.
  • Enter the Bill Rate.
  • Select the Assigned Employees tab. See the Assigned Employees image below.
  • After all of the fields are entered and Employees have been assigned, click on the Save button.

Note: You may want to enter the Project ID, Purchase Order, or other fields that will help you identify the Job for the Invoice.

Note: If you enter a percentage of the burden for this Job, it will give you the approx Gross Profit per Hour.

{Job Window}
Job Window

On the Job Title Window, select the Job or Insert a new one. Then click on the Select button.

{Job Title Window}
Job Title Window

On the Workers Comp Code Selection Window, select the correct W/C code. Then click on the Select button. If there are no codes listed, then click on the Show All States checkbox.

Note: Make sure you pick the correct code for the correct state.

{Workers Comp Code Selection Window }
Workers Comp Code Selection Window

On the Assigned Employees tab, click on the Insert button to assign the employee to this job.

After selecting the Employee from the Assign an employee to a Job Window (see image below), then click on the Save button.

{Assigned Employees tab}
Assigned Employees tab

To assign an employee, click on the Employee ID image find the employee’s name, and double click the name to attach the employee to the Job.

Then click Ok.

  1. Do this again for any other employees that need to be attached.
{Assign an employee to a Job Window}
Assign an employee to a Job Window

Note: You can make changes to the pay rate, bill rate, or start/end dates if needed.

  1. The Job information should be listed with the correct employee(s) attached to it.

  2. On the Jobs Window, after all of the fields are entered and Employees have been assigned, click on the Save button.


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